Essential Oil Scientists

A lot of companies that sell essential oils have a scientist or a team of scientists leading the company’s research and development. When evaluating an essential oil company with which to associate do your homework and research the scientist(s) involved.


Dr. Joshua Plant

Ameo Essential Oil’s lead scientist is Dr. Joshua Plant. Dr. Plant’s studies in his under graduate work led to his invitation to work at the NIH (National Institute of Health). After a short time at the NIH he was invited by Harvard to attend Harvard Medical School where he finished the eight year program, at the top of his class in just over three years.

Dr. Plant continues to be in the forefront of science. Learn more about Dr. Plant in this video.

3 Additional scientists

On December 16,2014 at the Marriott in Provo a meeting was held wherein three additional scientists and essential oil professionals extended their support of Dr. Plant and Ameo Essential Oils.

The First to speak was Michael Scholes with extensive studies and education in essential oils.

Next Pierre Franchomme who introduced in modern times helichrysum and tea tree essential oils among others.

Last Dr. Daniel Penoel with expert experience in medical and pharmaceutical essential oils.

This team of scientists and professionals are invaluable resources for the continued development and education of Ameo Essential Oils.


*All of these men have a wealth of knowledge to share. We haven’t even touched the surface of introducing them properly. Now that you have their names, do some research to learn  more about them and their experiences. Feel free to share what you learn about these scientists in the comments below.

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