Experience the Best


To have the best experience with essential oils make sure you have the purest and best quality oils that are available. As Shirley Price says – the aroma of a good quality essential oil will be strong and vigorous.  Make sure it’s in a dark brown or black glass bottle.  The pretty blue bottles are not as light resistant as the brown and black ones are.

Do your research ~ oils are not cheap they are an investment.

Just because you pay a lot for an oil does not mean its pure.  You will see the importance of using good quality oil as you see its healing effects.  Some oils have synthetics or other chemicals added to dilute or stretch them.  The presence of synthetic molecules in an essential oil will interfere with its natural synergy and consequently the oils healing properties.  It may irritate your child’s skin or cause other problems, please do your do diligence and find a good quality oil.

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